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Oh hello, December!

I browsed through the calendar, trying to recollect how time flew by so quickly. I remember blogging the preceding entry in a panic-y mode, with the high hopes of updating this blog as soon as we come back from St. Louis. That, obviously, wasn’t the case. No effort or any attempt was made. NADA!

I have been working like a dog on weekdays, by choice, and kept myself engrossed with church stuff on weekends. In between, I’d catch myself under the weather.  I’d like to blame it on the weather transition from the summer hot to the winter cold. Uhhm no, sadly, no fall occurrence, as far as I am concerned. But maybe, I am to blame for enduring as much stress I can… Uh-huh. ‘Nuff alibi, I hear.  

Just wanted to check in and make it known to the blog world that I’m still alive and kicking. Oh yeah!

2 squiggly notes..:

Sheila said...

Can't believe it's almost Christmas!

xo - Sheila

Anonymous said...

La!!!! Hugsssss!!! Pawagtang sa tugnaw ;)