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3 weeks gone

and am back with some juicy randomness to make up for my once-again-negligence on my poor blog…

Week 1 
Crystal & Pat's VISIT to Mason City/ Clear Lake
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Did some thrift shopping, antique hunting, Chinese/American food, museum exploring, picture taking, 
wii gaming, crafting, sewing and EVERYTHING ELSE  that spelled  F-U-N!   
Now, can’t wait for summer to go fishing and hopefully cruising with them.

Week 2 
Engagement/ Wedding of Asela and Dinesha
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Officially pronounced husband and wife after a straight forward exchange of vows, this lovely couple will have their traditional wedding ceremony in Sri Lanka. So  the ‘engagement-slash-wedding’ meant to emphasize a BIGGER celebration that awaits their homecoming probably at the end of the year. 
Congratulations and best wishes again Ayya and Dinesha!

Week 3 
Skirt ALTERATIONS worked on!
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FINALLY found time to sit down and get to this long-ago-planned project. I wish I had taken before and after pictures but oh well… That's them, the thrifted pieces I patiently altered to fit my petite figure.

The year that was-


But who could resist these babies???


Obviously, NOT ME! 

So just hoping for a better penny-pinching 2012... Tehee.


US after our anniversary dinner...
 … with you for 5 years now.

 … had our fair share of drama and bliss.
…wasn’t always fun nor easy.
…but we endured and made it through today.

And if I had to do it all over again,
I’d probably walk a more exciting route
but  would definitely choose to hold hands with you again!

Thank you for being my dependable husband, instinctive lover, 
best friend, worst enemy,  awesome shopping buddy, 
constructive critic, precise navigator and driver,  innovative cook 
and an ever arty photographer. 
You are an amazing all-in-one package
 that the Lord has blessed me with. 

I will always be grateful for the life and love we share
and looking forward for (n * 5) more years
of adventure with you.

Happy 2012...

with  LOVE.

Awwww... Aren't they cute? This was actually taken during the Christmas program. It's so precious, I thought I'd share it for Ruby Tuesday. And sweet, my first entry for the year!